Partner Seiro Hirata
Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2013)
Location : Tokyo Office
Practice Areas
Professional Summary
Seiro Hirata joined OH-EBASHI LPC & PARTNERS as a licensed Japanese attorney-at-law (Bengoshi) in January 2014.
He graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law in 2010 and the University of Tokyo School of Law in 2012 as well as completed Legal Training at the Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan in 2013.
He has experience in insurance, general corporate, antitrust (including advising clients on merger filing and antitrust inspection matters), domestic litigation and dispute resolution matters.
In addition, he supports many start-up companies from Seed Stage to Later Stage.
Major Cases Handled
- He has experience working as a fixed-term officer at the Insurance Business Division of the Supervision Bureau of the Financial Services Agency, where he examined and addressed matters concerning various regulations related to the Insurance Business Act (e.g., regulations on ancillary businesses, subsidiaries, solicitation, cross-border direct insurance, small claims, short-term insurance companies, licensed specified insurance companies, etc., and approval of insurance products).
- Screening of new businesses as to their applicable category of insurance business
- Providing advice to insurance companies and mutual aid associations on the interpretation of the Insurance Act, decisions on payment of insurance claims, handling of fraudulent insurance claims, etc.
Communications with Administrative Agencies
- Providing advice on the use of no-action letters, the system of eliminating regulatory gray zones, regulatory sandbox systems, etc.
- Providing advice to an education service company on its acquisition of a publishing company
- Providing advice to a warehouse company on its merger with a maritime transportation company
- Providing advice to an infrastructure-related business operating company on its acquisition of a supermarket operating company
- Corporate reorganization within a corporate group
Support for ventures
- Reviewing terms and provisions of applications for an application development venture and providing advice on the legality of their new business
- Providing advice to a drone development venture on its joint development agreement with a third party
- Providing advice to a curation media venture on its investment agreement and third-party allotment
- Providing advice to a bridal-related business venture on its business alliance with a major bridal company
- Representing a general real estate company in a damages claim case concerning liability for defects in real estate
- Representing an investment management company in a litigation concerning an alleged breach of duty of care as an investment manager
- Representing a textile manufacturer in a damages claim case concerning an alleged breach of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act
- Representing an automobile parts manufacturer in a negotiation concerning product liability
The Premiums and Representations Act/Antitrust law/Inspection of corruption
- Legal review of the representations made by a major IT company in its various advertisements and promotions
- Serving as a staff for the director management liability investigation committee of a major electronics manufacturer
- Internal investigation and response to the Japan Fair Trade Commission with respect to an alleged breach of the Anti-Monopoly Law of a major chemical manufacturer
Education & Professional Experience
The University of Tokyo School of Law (J.D.)
The University of Tokyo (LL.B.)
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law (LL.M.)
October 2019 to June 2020
Assistant Director, Small-Claims and Short-Term Insurance Business Office, Insurance Business Division, Supervision Bureau of the Financial Services Agency
July 2020 to June 2021
Assistant Director, Legal Section, Insurance Business Division, Supervision Bureau of the Financial Services Agency (concurrently belonged to Strategy Development Division of the Strategy Development and Management Bureau as a financial administration monitoring support staff, and to the Compliance Research Office)
Member of the Air Law Institute of Japan (Aviation law, Space law)
Publications Archives
Seminars/Lectures Archives
Japanese and English