D&I Initiatives

● Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement

As of 2023, appropriately 60% of the members (and appropriately 25% of the lawyers) of Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners are women, keeping a relatively high percentage of female lawyers compared to others in the same industry in Japan.
Our firm takes various initiatives with the aim of developing a workplace environment where our members can exhibit their capabilities to the utmost extent, regardless of their gender.

(Interview Articles of Our Firm concerning the Active Engagement of Women)
Interview with Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners - Approaching the Firm’s Philosophy and Culture based on the Percentage of Female Lawyers in the FirmPart1, Part2 and Part3,” Innovation Platform for Business Legal, published on February 10, 16 and 24, 2023, respectively


Our firm has expressed its support for the written opinion on marriage equality (“Support the Recruitment and Retention of Talent by Instituting Marriage Equality in Japan”) published by the American Chambers of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ).
Our firm has also become a supporting organization of the Lawyers for LGBT and Allies Network (LLAN) to express our support for “Business for Marriage Equality,” which is a campaign that supports marriage equality (legalization of same-sex marriages).
Our firm has organized internal educational seminars and developed various systems concerning LGBTQ. We consider such supporting activities as part of our actions to realize our foundation philosophy, “to establish ‘an excellent law firm’ for the people, the society and the changing times.”
Our office will continue to actively take initiatives to understand, accept and respect the diversity of individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and sexual expression.

● Work-Life Balance

To provide excellent legal services to our clients, Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners takes the following initiatives, with the primary aim of establishing a workplace environment where its members can exhibit their capabilities to the utmost extent.
For lawyers, our firm supports flexible ways of working that suit each lawyer’s circumstances, including a childrearing/nursing care support system, childrearing assistance system, childrearing/nursing care leave financial assistance system, telework system, the establishment of points of contact for consultation concerning work-life balance, and other specific arrangements suitable for each lawyer, and has thus developed various schemes to promote the understanding of diversity.
For other members, our firm has formulated and published its action plan based on the “Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life,” and has taken various initiatives to achieve mid- to long-term goals based on the plan.

● Nationality, etc.

Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners has a goal of becoming an organization wherein all co-workers with various nationalities and backgrounds are respected and can exhibit their capabilities.
To develop an environment where everyone in the workplace can communicate with each other and share information without any difficulty, we have taken measures or introduced systems that enable communication or the provision of information in English or other languages.
We regularly review our systems and practices to create an ideal diversity and inclusion environment, where all of the members of our firm can actively make a contribution and exhibit their capabilities to the utmost extent.

● Awards

Our firm received the “Gold” rating in the “PRIDE Index,” which is an evaluation index established by the voluntary organization “work with Pride” for initiatives related to LGBTQ+ within companies and other organizations.

The voluntary organization “work with Pride” is an organization that supports the promotion and establishment of diversity management regarding LGBTQ+ and other sexual minorities in companies and other organizations.
The “work with Pride” formulated the “PRIDE Index” for evaluation of the initiatives for sexual minorities in the workplace, which is based on five indicators including “Policy (declaration of action),” “Representation (support for LGBTQ+ community),” “Inspiration (awareness-raising activities),” “Development (personnel systems and programs),” and “Engagement/Empowerment (social contribution and public relations activities),” with the aim of creating workplaces where LGBTQ+ people can work with pride.
Our firm received the highest rating of “Gold” for the first time on November 7, 2023.
For further details, please visit the website, work with PRIDE 2023.



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