Domestic Pro Bono Practice

Placing importance on the lawyers' responsibility (set forth in Article 1 of the Attorney Act) to perform duties in good faith and endeavor to maintain the social order and improve the legal system in accordance with the lawyers' mission to protect fundamental human rights and achieve social justice, our firm has actively participated in various types of domestic pro bono activities such as those organized by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations or other local bar associations, legal consultations arranged by bar associations or local governments, acceptance of appointments as on-duty lawyers (touban bengoshi), court-appointed defense counsels (kokusen bengo) or attendants for juveniles (tsukisoinin), legal aid activities, provision of practical training and education at universities or law schools, cooperation with administrative agencies, special corporations, etc., in their investigations or policymaking, and participation as committee members in the independent organizations of the central or local government.

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